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Welcome to The Boston Woods

.......making the dream a reality

Smowdrops for FB
Summer Westgate
Meadow and pond
Beech wood
Frozen dyke

Sir Joseph Banks Country Park:

 Westgate Wood, Jenny's Wood and

the Wildflower Meadow.

 Lincolnshire Road Victims Memorial.

Fenside Woods: 

Grange Wood, Beech Wood, Pioneer Wood

and Beech Wood Green Burial.

Dion's Wood Nature Reserve:

The third phase of the Boston Wood project was planted in 2022 and is now open to the public, but no dogs are allowed.

Boston Woods Trust now has nearly 150 acres of woods and parkland

All Boston Woods land is freely open for anyone to enjoy all day every day but please:

Show respect for other visitors. 

​Clean up after dogs at all times:

There is a £100 penalty for not being prepared to clean up. 

Keep dogs under control and comply with signed restrictions

Between March and July keep dogs on a lead when on the meadow

to protect the ground nesting birds.

Respect the ‘no dog’ restrictions for the Nature Reserve areas.

Fires are not permitted in any of our sites.

No vehicles to be parked overnight.

Do not introduce plants without specific permission:

It is the policy of the Trust to maintain a natural environment with only English native species of plant for all to enjoy.

Do not leave unauthorised memorial items:

These will be removed.

If you would like a permanent memorial in the woods various options are available. 


The Boston Woods Trust is a local independant charitable trust established in 2001.

We have long term plans to develop woodland around Boston for the benefit of all which is important for:

  • Health and wellbeing of people

  • Increased biodiversity

  • Combating climate change

  • Creating sustainable woodland

  • In the long term grow sustainable timber.


In 2023 there are now three areas of woodland, The Sir Joseph Banks Country Park and Woods at Wyberton and the Fenside Woods on Fenside Road in Boston. 

The woods are fully accessible with hard surface paths and seats. Free carparking at main entrances.

Out third site at Dion's Wood Nature Reserve is now open although it will take several years to grow into a "wood".

Green Burial

Adjacent to our established Beech Wood we now have a Green Burial site. Landscaped and planted with over 3000 young trees there are wildflower glades where loved ones can be laid to rest in a natural environment. ...... at one with nature.

Get Involved

You can become a part of this project by:

  • Volunteering

  • Subscribing as a supporter

  • Making a donation

  • Leaving a legacy

  • Sponsorship within the woods

  • Corporate sponsorship

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                  Patrons:  The Right Revd. Stephen Conway, Bishop of Lincoln:  Professor Sir Jonathan Van-Tam

Registered company No. 4282455    Charity No 1090420

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The European Agricultural
Fund for Rural Denelopment.
Europe investing in rural areas

Grants in 2016 & 2019


© 2021 Boston Woods Trust

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