The Boston Woods Trust

Locations of our woods and the inportance of woods for health and welbeing.
Planting woodland removes Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere and we have received financial help from Forest Carbon who work with companies and individuals prepared to buy carbon to offset their carbon footprint to improve the environment.
They created this short based at Beech Wood and gave Adrian Isaac and Steve Elwood the chance to explain our ethos.
Twenty years after the Boston Woods Trust was formed we started a pictorial review of the woods. This was updated in 2023 to include the third stage of the project with the formation of Dion's Wood Nature Reserve.
In 2019 two enthusiastic photographers compiled short videos incorporating drone footage of the woods. These have been included in this update on the project
This follows the further development of the project with the extension of Beech Wood to include Pioneer Wood and the Beech Wood Green Burial site.
This short video explains the growth and development of the Boston Woods from its inception in 1999 until 2012.
In 2001 the Boston Woods Trust was formed to takev over the management of Westgate Wood from the Woodland Trust. It went on to expand that site to include the wildflower meadow, the Oak Wood and Jenny's Wood.
Grange Wood and Beech Wood were also planted.