The Boston Woods Trust

Get involved
This is a community project, get involved and make it yours
Join our team of volunteers and get involved with the maintenance and development of the woods, from planting young trees, mulching, pruning and planting wild flowers to litter picking and seat cleaning.
Volunteers benefit from exercise in the fresh air and the company of others. No experience is necessary with tasks for all abilities and no committment on time. We have an Easy Crew, mainly for the girls - of any age.
To find out more please contact Steve & Claire on 01205 723954 or come and have a chat with the current volunteers.

Become a member
The more members we have the more likely we are going to be successful in securing funding when applying for grants. Organisations that are able to help support our project need to know that it has broad community support. By becoming a member you will help us attract more funding as well as getting regular newsletters and knowing you are helping to build a better Boston.
Leave a Legacy
Please give something back. You can help to make Boston a better place for your children, grandchildren and all those who follow after us.
All we ask is that when you make or amend your will you leave a sum of money to The Boston Woods Trust.
Make a donation
Make a donation to show your appreciation for the amenity we provide and to help us continue to manage and expand the project.

Become a corporate sponsor
Improve your Green Credentials by donating time or money to the project
There a several sponsorship options,
Whatever the event- birthdays, births, anniversaries, Christmas, sponsoring a tree is an ideal way to celebrate a special occasion and show someone you care about them and the environment. You can also sponsor a tree in memory of a loved one.
Seats can be dedicated in memory of a loved one, or for any special occasion. They are available in various locations in the woods and park.
Sponsor Trees
It costs about £20 to establish a mature tree. In addition to the land four or five saplings have to be planted and cared for before one is finally selected to grow to maturity. If you wish, your name or that of a loved one, can be recorded in our commemoration book under the following sponsorship alternatives:
1 Tree £20
6 Trees £100
20 Trees £250
You will also receive an attractive card to celebrate the gift to give to your loved one.
There are various individual spinneys which can be sponsored and given a name of your choice – do ask for details of availability.
From £5000
Name a Spinney
Adopt an established tree
If you would like to adopt an establshed tree it will be labelled with the species name and your chosen short inscription. £200
Dedicate a seat
Seats can be dedicated in memory of a loved one, or for any special occasion. Available in various locations.
£650 including phosphor bronze plaque
Sponsor a chainsaw carving
There are a few carved animals around the woods which can be sponsored with a phosphor bronze plaque. £650
Sponsor a Perch seat
Perche seats can be sponsored with a green inscribed plaque. Available around the woods
Pet Memorial
Pet ashes can be buried in a reserved area of the Sir Joseph Banks Country Park with an inlaid memorial stone. From £150

Grants, Donations and Sponsorship
We rely on grants and donations to develop this project and are gratefull to all who support us.
Personal sponsorship in commemoration